South East Housing and Development Group


Terms of Reference

February 2025

Aims and Objectives:

  • Convene                                                                                                                                                                   
    SE HDG to convene key players and thought leaders (including MHCLG, Homes England, SEC, Thames Estuary Growth Board, councils, developers, housing associations, garden communities, health) involved to achieve good plan-led growth and meet housing need.
  • Work collaboratively                                                                                                                                 Promote the benefits of housing and commercial development, to make sure everyone has a meaningful livelihood and a home that meets their needs.
  • Support good plan-led growth ambitions                                                                                                     SE HDG to provide support and advocacy to areas with ambitious growth plans, including the delivery of related objectives of regeneration, good plan-led growth, Garden Communities and New Towns.
  • Encourage and support councils to successfully review and deliver against their local plans and housing strategies
    Work collaboratively with the Kent Chief Planners, Essex Planning Officers Association and East Sussex Planning Officer, Kent Housing Group, Essex Housing Officers Group and the East Sussex Housing Partnership Board to support the contribution that they have in promoting accelerated housing delivery.
  • Identify and remove the barriers to accelerate housing delivery
    Working collaboratively with Kent Housing and Development Group (KHDG), Developers East Sussex (DES), Essex Developers Group (EDG) and other interested parties to identify and remove obstacles to accelerate housing and commercial development, assembling evidence and finding solutions.
  • Promote best practice
    Supporting events and meetings to share best practice and information to support all to the standard of the best, widening opportunity for joint working with business through engagement and attendance at the Developer groups and public sector partnerships across the SE area. (Kent, Essex, East Sussex and more widely when beneficial.)
  • Look across locality boundaries
    Looking at the plans and proposals across the SE HDG operating area and of neighbouring areas and their impact in preparing for good plan led accelerated growth, including Local Government Reform and Devolution.
  • Promote the accelerated delivery of Affordable Housing and Supported and Specialist Housing
    SE HDG to work in partnership with Homes England and other public and private partners to raise awareness of the opportunities to accelerate housing delivery that meets the corporate objectives of local authorities to reduce homelessness, improve affordability, reduce care expenditure, and support independent lifelong living.
  • Lower Thames Crossing (LTC) and Strategic Infrastructure

To identify opportunities and barriers to maximise regional housing growth in response to the Lower Thames Crossing and other strategic. Identify changes in wider government policy, and key decisions required, to minimise these barriers to accelerating housing delivery and feed these back up through the LTC Benefits Steering Group to the Wider Benefits Steering Group.


The group will meet virtually 6x per year on Google Meet.

Members of the group will:

  • Attend each meeting, or if unable to attend, endeavour to send a representative.
  • Inform the organisation they represent of progress made by SE HDG and consult them on key issues and recommendations.
  • Treat any information received and discussed with sensitivity and where appropriate in confidence.
  • Tasks from each meeting will be agreed by the SE HDG and will be reviewed at each meeting.
  • Members agreeing to undertake tasks will liaise with the group where necessary and feedback progress.


  • SE HDG to be a collaborative forum with membership drawn from representative public and private sector organisations and partnerships in Kent, Essex and East Sussex.
  • The Chair and Co-Vice Chairs will be drawn from Essex Developers Group (EDG), Developers East Sussex (DES) and Kent Housing and Development Group (KHDG).
  • The agenda will be circulated in advance of the meeting to ensure appropriate representation.


  • The Strategic Housing Advisor will convene, advocate on behalf and represent the group locally and nationally to deliver the aims and objectives of the group and its strategic partners.
  • Horton Strategic will provide the secretariat for the group and offer support in terms of administrative duties, advice or endorsement of projects undertaken by the SE HDG.


Chair: Nick Fenton – KHDG

Co-Vice Chair: Mark Curle – EDG

Co-Vice Chair: Jonathan Buckwell – DES

KHDG – Kent Housing and Development Group
EDG – Essex Developers’ Group

DES – Developers East Sussex

SEC – South East Consortium
KHG – Kent Housing Group

EHOG – Essex Housing Officers Group
ESHPB – East Sussex Housing Partnership Board

SEHG – South Essex Housing Group

EPOA – Essex Planning Officers Association

KCPOG – Kent Chief Planners Officers Group

ESPOG – East Sussex Planning Officers’ Group

NHF – National Housing Federation (Registered Provider (RP) representation)
MHCLG – Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government

Homes England

LTC – Lower Thames Crossing

TEGB – Thames Estuary Growth Board

SE Garden Communities
Kent, Essex and East Sussex Functional Economic Area UTLA leads.

North Essex Councils

South Essex Councils

(Open Invitation to lead roles in County Level local economic planning functions and previous SELEP Board Champion/s)


Brian Horton – SE HDG – Strategic Housing Advisor (Horton Strategic Limited)

07970 141718


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